About Ironman

The rules of the game

The rules are simple. Each entry costs $20. You decide how many entries you will play at the start of the pool. The $20 is good for the entire length of the pool.

Example: Lehman wants to play two entries. This will cost him $20 each or $40 dollars total. This money is due before the first game in the pool. That is ALL the money Lehman will put into the pool.

For Each entry, you will follow the procedure below:

  1. Each week you have to pick one NFL team to win.
  2. Each NFL Team can only be used once!
  3. Incorrect or missing picks eliminate you from the contest.
  4. The last person remaining wins 100% of the cash.

Additional rules and notes:

  1. You may pick several weeks in advance.
  2. Submit each pick to the Ironman website before the game starts.
  3. A late pick is considered a missed pick, thus eliminating you.
  4. The website does its best to prevent late picks by removing teams from the pick list as they begin play - but it's not foolproof! Make sure your pick shows up in the results page after you make your selection.
  5. In the unlikely event you cannot make a pick via the website, you may send your pick via email to Zeb or Bruce, along with a written note from your doctor. Submissions arriving after the picked game has started are late, and will not be accepted.
  6. During the first week only, you may purchase additional lines, as long as there is a game left to be played. (Example: Billy Bob loses on Sunday morning in the first week. He can start a new line with an additional donation and pick the Monday night game.)
  7. In the event of more than one person going out in the last round, the week will be considered a push, and the contest will go to the next week. (Example: Harney, Lehman and Matney are the only ones left in the pool. They then all make incorrect picks for the next round. They would move on to the next week.) The only exception to this is the last week of the regular season.

Send your entry donation to:

Bruce Lehman
3675 Silverton Street
Boulder, CO 80301

Last updated on 9/2/2021
By Zeb Davison (email: zeb@hiddenforge.com)